Climbing - Lakeland

After the rain, outdoor climbing didn't sound so appealing so headed in doors to the Lakeland centre. In the chamber - lots of puzzles to do. Scouts are also undertaking Archery and prepping leaders tea tonight. We also have our bond mocktail night to look forward too - 007 !

Rain doesn't stop play

Sent from my iPhoneAfter a heavy morning rain and a few tents casualties we headed off to the sports centre for a footie match and a quick swim.
Lots of kit to dry when we get back !

Fog and Fuss

Beware pending tent inspection.
Scouts went gorge walking and Explorers enjoyed sweeping views up Harter Fell.
Weather has been kind but that's set to change - batten down the hatches tonight after Chocolate Cake, of course.

Canoeing Day

Windermere - Canoeing
Sessions - 2 across the lake and 3 around the islands. Opportunity to swim and chill out in between. Everyone got wet so they have had one wash at least. Lots of wet kit to sort out later but that's just camp !
Big thanks to Chris, Lucia and Kev 😊

We have arrived !

Arrived - camp up before it rained. Had stir fry for tea - pudding to follow. Canoeing planned and hopefully will see some sun !